Improving lives,

improving communities

How Triple P can benefit your organisation

About us

Triple P – Positive Parenting Program® – build stronger whānau through a flexible suite of parenting programmes. We are backed by research and proven by millions of parents around the world – giving them the tools and skills they need to build a loving bond with their child and address common behaviours of concern and help children cope with big emotions.

Triple P is the world’s leading Whānau/parenting programme. We are chosen in over 30 countries around the world to provide support, often provided free of charge to parents, including in parts of the Aotearoa/New Zealand, UK, Australia, and the US. We offer a flexible suite of over 25+ interlocking interventions to create a sustainable population-health approach to child and family well-being.

Triple P programmes take a non-judgemental, positive approach to parenting – and we have 35 years of research to demonstrate the efficacy of this approach.

We can work with you to put in place powerful and ongoing solutions for meaningful, measurable changes in Whānau/family resilience and functioning.

This section of our website is designed to guide professionals, practitioners and organisation personnel through the Triple P system.

What is Triple P? Triple P in a nutshell.


Triple P Programmes

Triple P offers a flexible suite of over 25 programmes, designed to offer general parenting support or more targeted support in specific circumstances.

Whether through kaupapa Māori/Iwi/community support organisations, or independently learning from home, online or in person, something brief or longer term - there’s guaranteed to be a Triple P programme that can fit the Whānau/family you support.

Our policy chart offers a simple snapshot of how these programmes might be applied in different settings.

We can help you determine the best programme for your area - request a call with us here.

These are some of Triple P’s most popular programmes

  • Triple P
    Group, Online

    For Whānau/parents of tamariki/children under 12 years old

    Triple P Online courses cover a range of topics from temper tantrums to fussy eating and can be accessed on phones, computers, or tablets.

  • Teen Triple P
    Standard, Group, Online

    For Whānau/parents of taitamariki/pre-teens, teens approx. 10-16 years

    Teen Triple P is useful to whānau/parents with taitamariki/pre-teens/teens, who want to create the best atmosphere for their teenager’s development.

    It can help give parents the strategies to address behaviours and help emotional self-regulation.

  • Fear-Less Triple P
    Standard, Online, Group

    For children and teens aged 6-14 years

    Support for Whānau/parents helping tamariki/children manage their anxiety and build emotional resilience.

    This programme provides Whānau/parents with tools and strategies that are proven by research to reduce their tamaiti/child’s anxiety.

    These tools help parents to understand how to help their tamariki/children when they are feeling upset or anxious so that Whānau/parents can raise happier, more resilient tamariki/children.

  • Triple P for Baby
    Online, Standard

    Triple P for Baby helps Whānau/parents of pēpi/babies under a year old, offering practical information at a time of great change for Whānau/families.

    Triple P for Baby has, just like the other Triple P programmes, three different delivery forms, meaning there is flexibility in how the service is delivered.

    And as other Triple P programmes, Triple P Online for Baby is a self-paced programme with greater flexibility for parents and the course provider. Online engagement is easily supported through follow-up consultations with practitioners.

  • Stepping Stones
    Standard, Group

    For Whānau/parents of tamariki/children with a disability up to 12 years

    Stepping Stones can help promote tamaiti/child development and to manage challenging behaviours.

    Stepping stones can be delivered in group sessions, over the phone, in a clinic or at home, meaning that Whānau/parents can choose the means of delivery best for their situation.

  • Enhanced Triple P

    For parents who struggle with issues within the Whānau/family such as stress, poor coping, and/or partner conflict.

    The course addresses family factors that may impact upon and complicate the task of parenting.

    Those who need enhanced Triple P have usually completed previous Triple P courses, such as Primary Care Stepping Stones or Primary Care Teen programme.

  • Pathways Triple P
    Standard, Group

    For parents who have received Level 3 Primary Care, Stepping Stones, Teen Triple P sessions or Level 4 Triple P sessions but need to examine how beliefs and emotions impact parenting.

    Pathways Triple P can be completed in either a group or an individual basis.

    The three core modules in Pathways Triple P provide Whānau/parents with support and teach new attributional styles and self-regulation techniques to help build positive parenting skills.

  • Family Transitions

    For Whānau/parents going through separation and divorce who have concerns about their tamariki/children’s behaviour.

    Triple P Family Transitions helps Whānau/parents to support their tamariki/children through this period of adjustment.

    Whānau/Family transitions can be delivered in group or individual sessions (Whānau/parents attend separately from one another), to provide Whānau/parents with the tailored support they need.

  • Lifestyle Triple P

    For Whānau/parents of overweight or obese tamariki/children aged 5-10

    Group Lifestyle provides Whānau/parents with support and advice so that they can improve the health of the whole Whānau/family.

    It is delivered through a series of group sessions and telephone consultations. Whānau/Parents are also provided with a workbook to keep track of their progress independently.

Our impact

Triple P is recognised by the UN as having the most extensive bank of parenting research in the world, spanning over 35 years.

The British Medical Association have reported estimated economic benefits of £5.05 for every pound invested in the Triple P system.

The Early Intervention Foundation rates Triple P programmes as cost-effective and evidence based, improving child and parent outcomes and reducing parent conflict, and lists it as a programme capable of preventing crime, violence and anti-social behaviour.

World Health Organization (WHO), in its Violence Prevention Report, named Triple P as one of only two programmes with strong evidence for preventing child maltreatment.

We have provided a sample here of some of the trials that prove the efficacy of Triple P’s work in different settings.

Triple P for Baby

Stepping Stones for children with a disability

Randomised Control Trial of Stepping Stones

Mother and Baby Unit setting

Triple P in diverse communities

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Implement Triple P

The government funded initiative in Waitemata, Counties Manukau, Mid Central and Bay of Plenty, has assisted thousands for families to access parenting support. The initiative enables community organisations in those regions to offer light touch Triple P parenting support to whānau in their region.

If you’re in those regions and want to offer Triple P to the whānau you work with please contact us.

Contact Triple P in New Zealand

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Support and training for professionals

We don’t just support Whānau/parents. Our training and professional courses support the people helping Whānau/parents, too.

Provider Training
There are three elements to our trainer courses:

  • Training Days
  • A competency-based accreditation process
  • Implementation support for practitioners and organisations

To find out more about the ways you can train with Triple P, click here.

PECE Program
A programme for early years educators and those working in nursery settingsThe course supports kaimahi/staff to build strong relationships with tamariki/children and promote self-regulation.